a few things i've worked on over the years


a queue-style video chat platform where constituents line up to speak with a candidate. filling the gap between impersonal livestreams and low-throughput individual conversations.

originally a project for cs91r at Harvard.


staff for web.lab, MIT's IAP intro web development course and competition.

ran operations for the 300+ person course and gave ~5 lectures, in 2020 and 2021.


an online multiplayer, fpga-based game heavily inspired by the game Overcooked. ~150 lines of Python for the server, ~250 lines of C++ for the esp32 comms, and ~3,500 lines of systemverilog.

originally a project for 6.111 at MIT.


the pierogis meander about, peacefully — like a grazing flock of sheep. at the touch of a button, a fork materializes and gives chase. the pierogis scatter, fearing for their lives. with another touch, you become the pierogi.

originally a project for 6.837 at MIT.

hackmit 2019

1,000+ hackers, 36 sponsors, 24 hours, and 8 tracks.

as head of logistics for hackmit 2019, i poured my life and soul into making this event — mit's largest hackathon — the best it can possibly be.

hackmit 2018

where else can you find the ceo of y combinator, quora, and hackerone — and the cofounders of figma, arduino and lambda school — all at the same event?

welcome to a world of boundless excitement, at hackmit 2018.


an iot solution capable of fully facilitating communication between street lamps across the city, emergency providers, and a web interface.

originally a project for 6.08 at mit.


this website. yes, the one you're reading right now. yeah, i count it as a project.

an experiment for me to learn more about design, animation, and Next.js by doing something that isn't entirely pointless with it.

icons from fontawesome and icons8